Luca Setti Fine Art Photographer


Milano, Stazione Centrale

Di seguito una serie di immagini scattate a maggio all'interno della Stazione Centrale di Milano. Potete vedere queste fotografie all'interno della nuova galleria Progetto Stazione Centrale.

Scritto da Luca Setti il 27/10/2013
in: Ultime fotografie
2 commenti a Milano, Stazione Centrale
In data 04/12/2013 Mike Baginy scrive:
"Ciao Luca, I find your photos of the main railway station interesting and appealing. They bring back memories of those times, when I traveled to work by rail daily in Stuttgart (Germany) in the 70s. I recently returned to the main railway station there to find it under construction. But I was still able to take some "nostalgic" photos of a seemingly bygone era. Thanks for posting these images - they've inspired me to visit the nearby Cologne station which also promises interesting architecture. By the way, I found your site by reading one of your posts on luminous landscape. Best wishes, ciao-ciao, Mike"
In data 04/12/2013 Luca Setti scrive:
"Hi Mike, I'm glad to know that you enjoyed the pictures and that they inspired you to visit Cologne's station. I have always been fascinated with steel structures and architecture, maybe you can show me your Cologne's shots once they are ready. Kind regards, Luca"
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